Monday, March 30, 2020

What is Intermolecular Force?

What is Intermolecular Force?Organic chemistry is essentially a broad field of study that makes use of the study of molecules and related elements, their bonds and intermolecular forces. It gives theoretical frameworks that are used in experiments and allows for the study of reactions between these elements and its derivatives.Intermolecular forces are often stronger than those between atoms. So the effects of the individual atoms in a molecule can be seen as a chain reaction that can be started by a catalyst. Different catalysts have different properties, making it important to understand the intermolecular forces.During chemical reactions, atoms are forced to move from one place to another. The molecules are not always moving in the same direction, so they tend to mix with each other in the process. This mixture will produce a large number of compounds, which can occur in an un-ordered manner.Before you understand the intermolecular forces, you must know what are the forces of attr action and repulsion. These are the two types of forces that are involved in any chemical reaction. They are based on the forces that an atom has to move between two different molecules. Molecules that contain two atoms but moving in different directions are said to be covalent.A molecule that contains three atoms but moving in the same direction is said to be a molecular ion. However, if the molecules are moving at the same speed, they are said to be monovalent.In organic chemistry, intermolecular forces occur when two atoms that are close to each other to move into the space between molecules of the same element. When they do this, they create an intermolecular force that keeps them in their places and prevents them from merging.To explain further, an intermolecular force occurs when the molecules are moving towards each other and when they are moving away from each other. Once they cross the point where the two molecules meet, an intermolecular force is created, which keeps them from touching each other.Chemical reactions are different because there are different types of molecules and there are different types of reactions. When the molecules are different, there is no intermolecular force, so if the reaction fails, there is nothing that can stop it from happening.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Tips From an Irvine Tutor Ace Your Finals the First Year of College

Tips From an Irvine Tutor Ace Your Finals the First Year of College 4 Tips From an Irvine Tutor to Ace Your Finals the First Year of College Finals week is just around the corner and it can be a very stressful time for any student, especially if its their very first year in the college environment. College finals are different than those given in high school and students will need to avoid distraction while they focus on one of the most important weeks of the school year. Freshman might be studying as part of a group or they might be preparing solo, they may be writing final papers or studying for multiple choice exams, regardless of the specifics there are some universal tips and tricks that can help college students ace their finals while still maintaining their sanity our private Irvine tutors will help you prepare for your college finals. 1. Peace and quiet While students prepare for finals week they need to have peace and quiet in order to concentrate on the task at hand. They should find a quiet place to study so they are not disrupted but they also need to shut out any unnecessary tasks during this time. This means social gatherings can wait, social media should be avoided, and students should aim to keep the week as stress-free as possible. Once students have completed their final papers and exams, they can go back to their normal schedule but they need to focus on getting good grades right now because college level finals can be worth up to 25% of the overall class grade. 2. Effective study habits College students need to handle their study time efficiently and prioritize whats most important. The first thing students need to do is read their syllabus and any pertinent communication from their professor or teaching assistant to find out what will actually be on the final exam. If the syllabus explicitly states that the final exam will only cover the second half of the semester, then students dont need to be focusing on things they learned the first couple weeks of the term. Its essential for students to make an outline ahead of time so they know everything they need to study and how long its likely to take them to finish. Students who are organized have a much better chance of getting a high grade on any final exam. Our in-home Irvine tutors will help you develop your effective study habits. 3. Time management College-level exams are much harder than those completed during the high school years. Eventually, students learn how long it takes them to study for a particular course but college freshmen wont yet have this luxury. First-year students are encouraged to double the amount of time they studied in high school in order to successfully cover all the material necessary to ace a college-level final. Students who have been struggling in a particular class may want to leave even more time. Students who dont yet know how to structure their time during finals week should call their one-on-one tutor and set up some time so they can get organized and focus on important material (READ: Irvine Tutoring Tips: 4 Finals Week Pitfalls to Avoid). 4. Balance Many college students get used to cramming, meaning they avoid studying until a day or two before the exam and then try to complete everything in one session. This almost always results in a subpar paper or a mind that is overly fatigued and ill prepared to take an important test. Rather, students should strive to find a level of balance were they can focus on material for a couple of hours at a time and still get enough sleep, exercise, and healthy meals even during finals week. That might mean beginning study sessions two or three weeks before finals but its definitely worth it to have a rested brain that can ace any exam. Stressed about finals? TutorNerds is here to help. Call us today to book your experienced Irvine tutor. Click here to learn more about our private Orange County tutoring. Members of the TutorNerds team and our private tutors write every blog post. If you have any questions about our blog, please email us at

5 Tips on Writing Effective Research Papers

5 Tips on Writing Effective Research Papers 1. Make a good outline: The outline step in the writing process is important. It is always good to have an idea of what you are going to write about before you actually begin. This will help your make your writing appear more clear and focused. Outlining is also a good way to start when you are feeling unsure of where exactly to begin in your paper. This is a great strategy that will help you as you begin writing more and longer papers2. Collect and review your sources before you begin writing: Good sources are critical to writing good research papers. Reviewing sources that you are going to use will not only be helpful for getting quotations for your paper, but can also give you more background on the topic. This can inform you when you are deciding on a thesis and developing your outline.3. Come up with a strong thesis and at least three points to support your thesis:Your thesis statement will provide the basis for the entire research paper. It is important to come up with a good, clear thesis that can be supported by your source material. Generally, you should also have at least three points that support your thesis. You should be able to support each of these points using the source material you reviewed earlier.4. When sourcing material, provide the quote and one sentence before and after explaining the quote: One way that many students go wrong in writing is by dropping quotations into their work without providing context for the quote. You should learn to effectively explain the importance of each quote in the context of your paper as a whole. This should not merely be a summary of the quote, but should demonstrate that you reflected on the implications of the quote and how it supports your thesis.5. Source your material properly: It is extremely important to properly source all of the material you use for your research paper. Find out from your teach before hand what format they prefer for citations and make sure it is followed. Improper citation of sou rce materials can potentially be seen as plagiarism, so never copy a quote from a source without providing a citation!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Looking For A Physical Chemistry Experiment Guide?

Looking For A Physical Chemistry Experiment Guide?Have you ever wondered how to perform a physical chemistry experiment? One of the best ways to learn about this important branch of science is to find a good reference book. You can find online textbooks, as well as reference books that are printed on paper.You may want to check out a book before purchasing one. If you have never purchased a book, it's best to learn from an experienced reader or student. The more experienced you are with a certain subject, the more knowledgeable you will be in finding the information you need to do your experiments. By reading this, you will gain more knowledge about what makes up the final result of the physical chemist. There are many different types of books available.Some of the books are spiral bound and you'll have a lot of reading to do from cover page to cover page. The next type of book is very easy to read, making it perfect for those who want to get ahead on their learning curve. One of the top choices of this type of book is the Quick Look. This is like an electronic version of the textbook that is printed on paper.There are so many different books available now that you'll never know your own question unless you have a few of them on hand. One thing to remember is that each one has its own way of presenting information. You'll want to take the time to read through a few books to ensure that you are getting the most information possible. Try to avoid comparing a book to another book, as this will only cause you to lose valuable time. This is why the best way to choose a physical chemistry book is to compare it to other books that are similar to it.To find a good reference book, try to look for the ones that have a quick guide on how to perform physical chemistry experiments. You can find this by looking at the back of the book. By reading over the guide, you'll have a better idea of how to do different experiments.Some books will have this on the actual book, while o thers will just have a guide. This can save you time by having it on the actual book. It will also save you from making mistakes, so you'll be able to make progress faster.So, if you're interested in learning about physical chemistry, but you want to do it the right way, a book is the way to go. You'll not only be saving yourself time and money, but you'll be able to learn about the whole process of experimenting from cover to cover.

Organic Chemistry Tutor - Get Help From Students

Organic Chemistry Tutor - Get Help From StudentsIn some chemistry lessons, students find out that the material is only half of the battle when it comes to learning the subject. Many students are concerned about the amount of time they have to spend in front of the chemistry bench. If you have not taken any part-time or paid study schedule, you will find the fact of doing homework an ordeal.Even if you do take a course with a student tutor, chances are you will find the student busy studying during your breaks. As long as you are not a college student, this time can be spent on schoolwork. There are however, plenty of options to help you study for organic chemistry. The following paragraphs will discuss a few things you should do to make sure you prepare your study material for your next lesson.Make sure that you pay special attention to the writing assignments that are part of your organic chemistry syllabus. These assignments require extensive research and writing. Do not forget tha t you need to write a paper or research project to complete the requirements of your class. Prepare a good quality essay or report which complements the general lecture material that you have been given.You also need to devote time to study for organic chemistry. This is the primary way of improving your grade and making sure that you get the highest mark possible. Try to do extra reading during your break. This is also a good idea if you have any doubts about your work.While you are studying, try to keep all your attention on the particular topics that you have to write about. For example, you may not have a problem with learning how the elements react to each other. There are several books that provide detailed information on the chemical reactions in general. These books make for excellent reading material when you are on break.Finally, you should get help from online resources. They come with thousands of websites on the internet. All of these websites can provide you with impor tant information regarding organic chemistry. Online resources also allow you to get in touch with other students who are also studying in the same class as you.With a little effort, you can find a good organic chemistry tutor to help you out. Not only will you get in touch with such teachers, you will also be provided with the necessary study materials that you will need to use when your next school assignment is due.

Study Strategies for Math

Study Strategies for Math As a high schooler, you are required to take at least a few years of math. For a subject that is so prominent in the high school curriculum, theres still a lot of misconceptions. Many people think that you are either good at math or bad at math; theres no in-between and theres no way to succeed if youve always struggled thats about as false as 2+2=5. While some people have certain skill sets that lend nicely to math classes, there are math study strategies that can be learned and mastered by all students to succeed. How do you exercise these strong study strategies for math, you ask? Its as easy as 1, 2, 3 1. Think of math as a process know the steps Getting the correct answer is always a great feeling, but if you dont know how you got to that answer, you may be in trouble. Math is incredibly process based; step by step you are required to know the procedures. Think of math like cooking: if you forget an ingredient, the end result is ruined, and you need to pay careful attention to each task. So, how do you focus more on math as a process? Show your work, from beginning to end. Whether youre studying for a test, doing homework, or completing a quiz, you should be writing down all of your steps. This will help you in the long run if you notice you are getting problems incorrect. When you show your work, you can isolate the errors and identify exactly where you need to go back to study. When you are told to show your work on a test, show all of your work. Even if your final answer isnt correct, you could still get partial credit for the process you used. Learn your formulas what they are and how to use them. Math isnt like a history class; you cant just memorize the terms and ace the exam. Memorizing a math formula is only the beginning. If you dont know what each piece of the formula means, when to use it, and how it will help, you wont be as successful with it. You should utilize your textbook, math notes, and potentially math practice tests to get an in-depth understanding of key math formulas for your class. 2. Go back to the basics Math concepts build upon one another, which is one of the reasons it can get harder and harder as the years go on. If you struggle with basic math concepts, you may continue to struggle as you get into more difficult processes. Not only will your material become more challenging as the year progresses, you may be required to know and apply information from previous math classes. Here are some study strategies that can help you learn the basics and avoid falling behind: When possible, draw things out (just like you learned in elementary school). Its effective! Would a diagram help? How about a chart? Even if a graph isnt necessary, visualizing the problem can help you determine what exactly you are dealing with. This can be particularly helpful for those who consider themselves visual learners. Keep your math notes from previous classes, and refer back to them when necessary. Just because you are in a geometry class doesnt mean your algebra notes might not come in handy later. Hold on to your old class materials and reference them if youre struggling with old concepts. Be sure to understand the foundation of these concepts before you try to master harder ones. Consider also consulting your teacher or seeking math tutoring to help shed light on some of the areas that confuse you. [RELATED: Is Your Child Ready for Algebra?] 3. Tackle each problem methodically When you look at a four-page test, dont think of the test as a whole. Instead, think of each problem as its own test, with its own challenges and its own strategy. There are methodical approaches you can use to solve each problem successfully Determine what the question is asking. This may seem like an obvious first step, but especially with word problems, the actual question can sometimes get buried. Some students see the numbers and automatically start solving a problem before they even know what that problem is exactly. You dont want to waste your time and energy solving a question that isnt being asked! Once you have a confident understanding of the question at hand, you can start to tackle it for the solution. Also note that sometimes youll need to consider whether it is a two-part question. For instance, do you have to solve one problem first in order to get the information to solve another problem? Highlight or underline important words, phrases, and numbers. Sometimes, word problems include bits of information that you dont necessarily need. The extra information in these problems is often intended to confuse you and see if you can determine the relevant materials. Isolating the information you need to use can help you clearly identify the process you should use to find the answer. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

Oniline Prime Factor Chart Tutors

Oniline Prime Factor Chart Tutors Prime number is a number which has no other factors other than one and itself. Examples of prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29.. Prime factors of a given number is expressing the given number as a product of all prime numbers. Example 1: Find the prime factors of the number 24? Solution: Given is a number 24. To find its prime factors we divide the given number with the smallest prime number first. 24 2 = 12; so, 24 = 12 * 2 Now 12 can be further divided by the prime number 2. So here we have 12 2 = 6. 24 = 2 * 2 * 6. The number 6 can be further divided by 2. So here we have 6 2 = 3. The number 3 itself is a prime number. So it cannot be further divided by another prime number. Hence the number 24 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 3. Example 2: Find the prime factors of the number 15? Solution: Given is a number 15. To find its prime factors we divide the given number with the smallest prime number first. Here 15 cannot be divided by 2, so the next prime number 3 can be used for factorization. So here we have 15 3 = 5. The number 5 itself is a prime number. So it cannot be further divided by another prime number. Hence the number 15 = 3 * 5. Prime number is a number which has no other factors other than one and itself. Examples of prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29.. Prime factors of a given number is expressing the given number as a product of all prime numbers. Example 1: Find the prime factors of the number 24? Solution: Given is a number 24. To find its prime factors we divide the given number with the smallest prime number first. 24 2 = 12; so, 24 = 12 * 2 Now 12 can be further divided by the prime number 2. So here we have 12 2 = 6. 24 = 2 * 2 * 6. The number 6 can be further divided by 2. So here we have 6 2 = 3. The number 3 itself is a prime number. So it cannot be further divided by another prime number. Hence the number 24 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 3. Example 2: Find the prime factors of the number 15? Solution: Given is a number 15. To find its prime factors we divide the given number with the smallest prime number first. Here 15 cannot be divided by 2, so the next prime number 3 can be used for factorization. So here we have 15 3 = 5. The number 5 itself is a prime number. So it cannot be further divided by another prime number. Hence the number 15 = 3 * 5.

Understanding fractions as division

Understanding fractions as division Fractions is one of the very basic and important representation in mathematics. A fraction is a number that can be expressed in p/q form. This representation can also be understood as division of two numbers or quantities as the top is the numerator and the bottom is the denominator. The denominator of a fraction can never be equal to zero. Fractions can be further simplified according to the requirement. Different mathematical operations can be used to simplify and solve a given fraction. Example 1: Amy brought 20 pencils. She uses all the pencils in 5 weeks equally. How many pencils per week did she use? Solution: Number of pencils brought by Amy = 20. Number of weeks she took to finish the pencils = 5. Number of pencils per week = 20/5. The GCF of 20 and 5 is 5. Dividing the numerator and the denominator by 5. This gives 20 5 /5 5 = 4. Hence, Amy used 4 pencils per week. Question: Multiple choice question (Pick the correct option.) Simplify the fraction 24/72 to its simplest form? a) 2/3 b) 1/6 c) 1/3 d) None of these. Correct answer: option c. Explanation: The given fraction can be further simplified. Write the factors of the numerator and denominator. This gives: 24 = 8 x 3; 72 = 8 x 9. Cancelling the common factor 8 gives 24/72 = 3/9. The fraction can be further simplified by dividing by 3 this gives: 3/9 = 1/3. Hence answer = 1/3.

5 Stereotypes Lead Singers Face ( How to Overcome Them)

5 Stereotypes Lead Singers Face ( How to Overcome Them) Suzy S. Do you sing with a band? If so, you may have been wrongfully accused of one of the many stereotypes lead singers face even if youre always on your best behavior! Here, St. Augustine, FL voice teacher  Heather L.  shares her tips for proving them wrong Im the lead singer uh, make that the only singer of two bands, an acoustic duo and a guitar/drum/piano/mandolin group. And as much fun as I have in each rehearsal, and as well as I get along with my bandmates, being a lead singer can be, well, weird. Im always learning that lead singers face a lot of expectations, pressures, and especially stereotypes. Im also always learning to push past them. Heres a list of five stereotypes that people who sing with a band can face, and how to rise above! 1. Lead singers are pushy princesses or princes. Were thought to be super bossy, directing the entire rehearsal, dictating precise tempos, and  rearranging set order again and again. And while theres nothing wrong with expressing your  opinion, just remember: its not what you say, its how you say it. Be sure to make your  voice heard in a respectful and calm way, or you might just find yourself looking for a new band! 2. Lead singers need to be the center of attention (all the time). While its not cool to be an ultimate diva, this stereotype actually makes sense. I mean, the lead  singer is the center of attention much of the time. Its not our fault. But a team is a team, and  its important to let every member show off individual talents. Let every member of your band  have a solo once in a while. That way, everyone shines on stage. 3. Lead singers know squat about music theory. Okay, so maybe, sometimes, we lead singers believe that we can get by on our good looks. But some lead singers not only have a decent amount of theory knowledge, but also  maintain serious theory geek status. If your bandmates josh you every time you forget the relative minor of C major, then just avoid talking about music. Or, better yet, ask  your voice teacher  to help you brush up on your theory  with a great curriculum book, like  Alfreds Essentials of Music Theory. Its easy, fun and youll be able to learn music in less time. 4. Lead singers are high maintenance. We need our particular teas and our certain bottles of water, and, oh, no thank you, we  dont drink any dairy beginning three weeks before a gig. Some of these high maintenance  behaviors are simply good vocal health habits, especially when you sing with a band. But remember, a professional never panics and always maintains a proper perspective. So dont flip out if you cant make a cup of Throat Coat before band practice! 5. Lead singers are ditzy airheads. Were always late to practice. Were always forgetting our music. Lead singers are not known for perfect attendance or organization skills. But we can all help change that! How? By being punctual, organized, and just, well, considerate of other band members. Overcoming the stereotypes that lead singers face is ultimately about seeing yourself as the best kind of leader the one who sees themselves in the trenches with everyone else.  Remember, your bandmates are the people who you make music with.  In the long run, overcoming the stereotypes that lead singers face will help you to become a better singer and a better band. Heather L. teaches singing, piano, acting, and more in St. Augustine, FL, as well as through online lessons. She is  a graduate of the prestigious Westminster Choir College in Princeton, New Jersey, and has performed with the New York and Royal Philharmonics, the New Jersey and Virginia Symphonies, the American Boy Choir, and the internationally renowned opera star Andrea Bocelli.  Learn more about Heather here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  InSapphoWeTrust